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Exploring Dog & Cat Radiography - What It Is & Digital Advances in Care

Technological advancements in veterinary medicine have led to improved diagnostic imaging, including digital X-rays. Find out how veterinary radiography assists with the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions in pets and the benefits of digital X-rays for dogs and cats. 

Dog & Cat Radiography

Electromagnetic radiation is used to produce a radiograph, or image, of your pet's internal systems. X-rays produce energy that's absorbed by many hard materials or mineralized tissues in the body, such as bones and teeth, which will be white in radiographic images. 

To conduct a digital X-ray, your vet will use the machine to direct a beam of photons at the area of your pet's body that needs to be examined. A digital sensor (or film cassette for traditional X-rays) will be placed behind your pet to capture any X-rays that aren't absorbed by tissue or bones. Your veterinarian can then review the resulting image. 

For example, if your dog or cat has an injured leg, radiography can be used to capture an image that your vet can then review. Bones will absorb X-rays, while soft tissues will only partially absorb them. This will produce an image in which the bones appear white, the soft tissue appears in shades of grey, and all other space remains black. 

Dental Radiographs for Veterinary Care 

Dental radiographs (X-rays) are performed in a veterinary diagnostic laboratory. They can help your vet diagnose and monitor several dental conditions, which may hide below the surface of the gumline and otherwise go undetected. These high-resolution X-ray images display the tooth pulp, roots, crown, and bone surrounding each of your pet's teeth. 

Some dental issues your vet may detect using this imaging technology include cavities, tooth fractures, and dental abscesses. Many pets are notorious for not showing any external symptoms of pain or discomfort and will continue to eat and function normally, even if they are experiencing pain. 

Once your vet analyzes a dental X-ray and diagnoses the issue in your cat or dog's mouth, they can treat your pet using procedures, medications, and technologies targeted to the specific needs of your cat or dog. 

Veterinarians and human dentists use dental radiographs in similar ways. These X-ray machines use a small amount of radiation to produce detailed images of oral structures. 

One key difference between digital dental radiographs for pets and those for humans is that your pet will need to be sedated in order for a clear image to be captured successfully. Before your dog or cat is given general anesthesia, they will undergo blood work and other diagnostic tests to confirm that they are healthy enough to be sedated. Their vitals will also be monitored during the time they are under anesthesia. 

The Benefits of Digital Advancements in Veterinary Radiography 

With veterinarians exploring new ways of using technology, veterinary digital radiography has quickly become the standard. These digital X-rays offer several benefits including:

  • Enhanced image quality: Digital X-rays offer better image quality along with the ability to manipulate the images.
  • Reduced radiation exposure: There is less exposure to radiation with digital radiographs due to the use of a digital detector for capturing images.
  • More compact technology: Digital X-ray machines take up less compared to their traditional counterparts. With the images being digital, there is also no need for physical film storage.
  • Faster processing time: The images produced can be viewed immediately allowing for faster diagnosis and treatment planning.

Radiology at Carolina Veterinary Specialists

Our board certified veterinary radiologist uses a variety of imaging procedures to see inside your pet's body to assess or diagnose their condition. Our specialist also plays an important role in the health of your dog or cat by acting as an expert consultant to your primary care vet by interpreting and reporting on the resulting images.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet for an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition.

Contact our Greensboro specialty and emergency animal hospital to find out how to have your pet seen by our experienced team of specialists.

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